
When a kiss isn't just a kiss

I was crazy about this guy who was exceptionally stingy with affection. I'm exactly the opposite. I'm forever kissing and hugging my kids,also the weird sex toy my friends and my guy. It's like I think the world is one big teddy bear.

 Drive-by kissing man only kissed me as a means to an end. He never kissed me hello, goodbye or just because. He viewed it as a necessary part of getting laid. I later realized he was a self-absorbed cheat.unusual sex toys It made sense looking back that he wouldn't go out of his way to increase the bond between us or allow himself to get too close.

That would mean caring about someone more than himself and being loyal. He was a drive-by kisser, and as it turned out, a drive-by boyfriend.In fact,the love dolls still liked by some people now.

